June 26, 2015 (Day 3 of 3) Bike Ride
I woke up at 6:30 and was feeling somewhat tired from the past two days of
riding. I ate a very light breakfast at the hotel and loaded up the bike. I
crossed the river into Clarkston where I got fuel. I keep notes for each
days ride on my tank bag. I have a GPS however it is difficult to use and
not easily visible in the sun.

The first section of highway 12 follows the Columbia and brings more nice

The road leaves the water and winds through rolling hills.

After a bit the road color and texture changed. The lack of painted line is
always a good clue to more paving projects. I had several miles of small
gravel and heavy oil on a hard surface awaiting asphalt.

Just before I stopped for this photo of the wind turbines I felt that
something was crawling around my chest biting me. I swatted at my riding
jacket a bit and then convinced myself that I was imagining things and just
getting a bit uncomfortable from riding so long. (A tip - don't do this.)

I stopped in Dayton to get some water and eat a granola bar as well as take
off my jacket and enjoy the shade for a few minutes.

Then there was no mistaking it - something was biting me. It was this guy
(see tip above).

Just before Umatilla I again reached the Columbia River.

I got fuel in Umatilla and had lunch at a Subway there. A bit earlier I had
crossed from Washington into Oregon. I now crossed the Columbia back into
Washington and headed west on Highway 12. The Oregon side of the Columbia
has I-84 and the Washington side has Highway 12. The first section of
Highway 12 has a 65 MPH speed limit, easy passing areas, and not many cars.
That makes for a nice ride. I crossed into Oregon at Bridge of the Gods and
rode on into Cascade Locks. Thanks to the fellow on the sport bike
immediately in front of me that paid the toll for the bridge. I hope I can
return that favor sometime.
I decided to take a break in Cascade Locks and get and ice cream cone. It
was really hot and lots of other people had the same idea.

I headed into Portland on I-84. Traffic around Troutdale became very dense
with occasional stops. Traffic on into Portland remained very heavy and slow
but other than very hot was uneventful.
The trip was great with lots of good riding and really beautiful scenery.
Map of the day's ride.

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