John & Olivia buy a new Jeep, so the plan is to introduce them to the Tillamook State Forest.

First, the air down on a typically damp November day.

Here is the new Jeep. I think it was a '99 TJ. It is lunch time and we have all been having fun so far.

In addition to the fun of running up and down the hills we enjoyed great scenery such as this nice stream


Gil heads into the rock crawl to show John and Olivia what rock crawling is all about....

Things are going fairly well moving into the rocks.

About this time a U joint goes "bang" and we have to move to "Plan B" and demonstrate winching. Here is the broken part, posed in front of passenger front tire - the former location of this piece.

Even standing on the brakes I'll lose this tug of war without a bit of bracing in front of the tires. John stacks rocks in front of my tires (what a great first lesson in winching).

Studying the best course out of the rocks.

Great! Finally leaving the rocks.

We had a great day, and it really didn't take long to get Gill out of the rocks. We even played a bit more (with Gil in 2WD) as we headed back to the air-up spot and then on home.