There is a 3 ring binder that holds the documentation for the repeater construction. In addition to the CAT300 controller manual this has some hand drawn schematics and notes about the repeater controller connection to the radios. I have scanned these and given them names that seemed reasonable. They are posted here in no particular order and with no guarantee that they represent the current state of the equipment. Someone wishing to understand or work on the equipment would most likely want to print each of these PDF files and study them. Some of them showing the wiring for the terminal strip next to the CAT300 board seem similar or possibly even identical.
3_sec_timer.pdf - 555 timer
- documentation on making audio adjustments
- connections made to the CAT300
icom_2at.pdf - connections to
link radio
- link adjustments
plug_wiring_01.pdf -
connector pins
plug_wiring_02.pdf -
connector pins
plug_wiring_03.pdf -
connector pins
receiver_at_45.pdf - is
this something at the 45 repeater?
relay_board.pdf - relay
- service monitor notes
- terminal strip next to CAT300
- terminal strip next to CAT300
- terminal strip next to CAT300
- terminal strip next to CAT300
- terminal strip next to CAT300
yaesu_link.pdf - unknown when
this radio was used
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