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This was a short day so I did not have to be in any hurry to leave.
Shortly after I arrived Thursday evening a fellow arrived with an older
Indian motorcycle in very nice condition. He had two riding partners with
The sky was much clearer in the morning. The land around Heppner is dry, unless you add water, then you get green.
Just 16 miles or so from Heppner you start to climb and trees appear with more conifers as you climb higher.
Soon you reach enough elevation that this becomes a summer only road - with only snowmobiles in the winter.
In some areas there is a lot of brush clearing taking place with smaller logs stacked for later burning.
This land is quite rocky, not much takes place here other than grazing. This is all open range so you need to watch for cattle on the road.
The Ukiah Thicket is the only place around for food. This is great riding country and the place attracts a lot of motorcycle riders.
I had lunch with Jeff (left) and Larry (right). Note the fishing pole attached to the side of Larry's BMW GS. They were out riding and fishing.
At the Oregon Trail Motel in Baker City.
Some of the group out for dinner.
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